Applecross Placenames Project


Gaelic name: Srath Maol Chaluim

Name in Original Source: Srath Maol Chaluim

English meaning: Maol Chaluim's valley

Placename feature: Valley

Notes: The Gaelic name for what is now referred to as Applecross Glen. According to Kenneth Macrae, the Applecross historian, Maol Chaluim was a son of the first Earl of Ross, who lived around 1300AD.

W. J. Watson's notes: 202: The Strath of Applecross is 'Srath Maol-chaluim'- Strath of Malcolm. This, which is the name given by the oldest inhabitants, is being corrupted into 'Srath Maor-chaluim,' or, worse still, 'Cul-chaluim'.

Map name appears in: NG 74 NW

Feature Co-ordinates: 57.457,-5.7847

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