Applecross Placenames Project


This database contains all the place names so far mapped for the Applecross peninsula. Please note that some names refer to off-shore features such as reefs, or even to metaphysical features such as fishing marks. Some names currently appear only in the database: this is because they have not had a location fixed. In other words, we know of, or have sources for, these names – we just don’t know exactly where they were.

Search the database by name, keyword or by A-V.
By clicking on a name in the database, you will get the Gaelic orthography, English translation, geographical or informational notes, co-ordinates and so on. The link will take you to the Google map so you can see the name in its location.

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Total Records Found: 1038, showing 10 per page
Name in Original SourceGaelic nameEnglish meaning
Uamh na h-Armachd Uaimh na h-Armachd Cave of the arms or armament
Uamhlachd an taghan Uaimh an taghain Cave of the pine marten
Uchd Mòr Uchd Mòr, An t- The big slope [?]
Uirigh Ruadh Uirigh Ruadh Red ledge
Umbrella, The Umbrella, The The Umbrella
Violet Pool Violet Pool Violet Pool
West Park West Park West Park
Wood Park Wood Park Wood Park